Mittwoch, August 09, 2006

war talk on beach

there are many israelis in my course here. but for the first three days, i didn't hear anybody talking about the war. finally, yesterday evening on the beach drinking wine we started asking one israeli why and what he thinks and so on. he wasn't too biased, but still i found myself on the lebanese side. no way on the hezbollah side, but what about all the civilians? after discussing several hours we concluded that maybe israelis should have taken their land from germany and not from arabs in palestine. we didn't make any (final) conclusions about the war. what a surprise.

now it's a beautiful morning, little chilly though. i'm sitting on the balcony of my tiny shared room, watching to the sea. i can just see the sea between all trees surrounding me. sipping my tea. they have water boilers in the rooms. clever. i'm doing all this because i'm waiting for G to call me. no, she's not with me and i'm missing her. i'd like to show her everything and everyone. (she just called. hurrah <3)


Anonymous Anonym said...

hi baby!
wenn man in goolge batinberlin eingibt findet man deine seite ganz schnell, und nun der clou: klick mal auf "diese seite übersetzen"

11 August, 2006 10:45  

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