Sonntag, August 13, 2006


yesterday evening we cooked our own food. that was really really nice after eating in a restaurant for a week. and the food in the restaurant isn't that good. we were something like 20 people and we had two kinds of pasta, spaghetti carbonara and another one with tomatoes and mozzarella. additionally we had bread, good salad and enough red wine. the mediterranean of us were cooking. yam. and not to forget the good company we had :)

afterwards we started singing with two guitars people had brought with them. suddenly, another man popped in with his guitar and started a show singing and entertaining us. someone told me that the man is a musician going through the restaurants and making his living out of it. he was just on his way back home when he heard us singing and just decided to come and see what's happening. i didn't know too many songs he was playing, but the spanish and italian speaking of us sang along the whole evening. after singing for an hour and drinking a couple of beers, he left. we continued singing. the mood was high and everyone was laughing. when all the wine was gone we still managed to find some more, and around three i finally went sleeping.

my hotel room is in the fourth floor, and there is a big balcony beside my room (yes, i have a balcony as well, but i didn't want to wake up my room mate). so, i was smoking the last cigarette of the package on the balcony, and i could still occasionally hear people laughing and singing, although the party took place a couple of streets towards the sea.

what a nice evening. more of these, please.


Anonymous Anonym said...

warum kann man eigentlich nur zu bestimten texten einen kommentar schreiben und nicht zu allen?

hattest schon vier "profilansichten" - ich glaub' die stammen alle von mir ;)

schau mal in meinen yahoo account und zwar in den spamordner :)

14 August, 2006 15:16  
Blogger berlinBat said...

comments should be ok now, thanks. i had misunderstood one button... hattest du selber einen anzeige gemacht?? lustig :{}

14 August, 2006 17:22  

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